首页 >其他小说 >墨九爷的小娇妻(重生) > 墨九爷的小娇妻(重生) 第25节

墨九爷的小娇妻(重生) 第25节(第2 / 5页)

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John replied with a dignified face again: "master, don't worry. I've been checking for you to find out the truth, so that the little bitch has nowhere to escape."


James Ya replied, "go ahead. I can rest assured that if you can't do something, you can call back the Jianhai brothers and sisters in country a and send someone else."



James - Ya said: "who leaked the news? Get his (her) family and him (her) back to me. I want him (her) to taste the taste of betraying me."


John said, "it's not the news leaked by our people. We haven't found out who it is. Now all shareholders are looking for you to tell us!"


John said, "yes, master."



第47章 算计13

James yah said, "when there is no problem in the company, we should fight like this. When there is a problem, we should come to me and tell them to find a way to solve the crisis. Naturally, I will give them an explanation."After a short pause, he continued: "go and find out who dares to fight against our family. I want him (her) to eat nothing.


John replied, "OK, master, I will find out who did it as soon as possible."


James Ya seemed to think of something and continued: "focus on checking Jiang 11 of the Jiang Group in country A. some time ago, my men just attacked her. Now I am attacked. There is no need to have her behind me. Don't show any tricks when checking. If it is really her, I will definitely let her realize my power again."

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